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Toronto School SCRABBLE Championship
March 9, 2010

Division SR Round 4 Alphabetic Pairings

Alex and Jackson (Jack Miner) (SR1) 2ndNathan and Geoff (Winona) (SR11) 1st
Carmen and Rachel (Winona) (SR2) 2ndKaren and Bretton (Windfields) (SR5) 1st
Damian and Wylie (Swansea) (SR19) 2ndHalley and Mahnoor (Dixon Grove) (SR21) 1st
Dashiel and Leo (Chester) (SR20) 1stTara and Derek (Jack Miner) (SR15) 2nd
Eden and Jether (Winona) (SR3) 2ndSnigdha and Sinthuja (Winchester) (SR13) 1st
Emmalyn and Emily (Bessborough) (SR4) 1stKathleen and Zoe (Palmerston) (SR26) 2nd
Halley and Mahnoor (Dixon Grove) (SR21) 1stDamian and Wylie (Swansea) (SR19) 2nd
Iain and Gabriel (Palmerston) (SR22) 1stWyeth and Daisy (Palmerston) (SR36) 2nd
Iloe and Jasmine (Dewson) (SR23) 1stShyamain and Deric (Derrydown) (SR33) 2nd
Jennifer and Claire (Rolph Road) (SR24) 1stJulia and Grace (Rolph Road) (SR25) 2nd
Julia and Grace (Rolph Road) (SR25) 2ndJennifer and Claire (Rolph Road) (SR24) 1st
Karen and Bretton (Windfields) (SR5) 1stCarmen and Rachel (Winona) (SR2) 2nd
Kathleen and Zoe (Palmerston) (SR26) 2ndEmmalyn and Emily (Bessborough) (SR4) 1st
Kenneth and Gurkaran (Windfields) (SR6) 2ndStaree and Koushi (Winchester) (SR14) 1st
Kia and Kathryn (Chine Drive) (SR7) 1stKishan and Connor (Bessborough) (SR8) 2nd
Kishan and Connor (Bessborough) (SR8) 2ndKia and Kathryn (Chine Drive) (SR7) 1st
Mandy and Tarik (Winona) (SR9) 2ndRut and Umar (Dixon Grove) (SR32) 1st
Matthew and Liam (Rolph Road) (SR27) 2ndStephen and Jesse (Churchill) (SR34) 1st
Max and Matthew (Chine Drive) (SR28) 1stNikola and Cameron (Swansea) (SR12) 2nd
Merve and Peyton (Swansea) (SR10) 2ndTharani and Kerthaney (Winchester) (SR16) 1st
Michael and Kevin (Churchill) (SR29) 1stMiduran and Deep (Derrydown) (SR30) 2nd
Miduran and Deep (Derrydown) (SR30) 2ndMichael and Kevin (Churchill) (SR29) 1st
Mike and Heng Cheng (Ogden) (SR31) 1stTristan and Joey (Jack Miner) (SR17) 2nd
Nathan and Geoff (Winona) (SR11) 1stAlex and Jackson (Jack Miner) (SR1) 2nd
Nikola and Cameron (Swansea) (SR12) 2ndMax and Matthew (Chine Drive) (SR28) 1st
Rut and Umar (Dixon Grove) (SR32) 1stMandy and Tarik (Winona) (SR9) 2nd
Shyamain and Deric (Derrydown) (SR33) 2ndIloe and Jasmine (Dewson) (SR23) 1st
Snigdha and Sinthuja (Winchester) (SR13) 1stEden and Jether (Winona) (SR3) 2nd
Staree and Koushi (Winchester) (SR14) 1stKenneth and Gurkaran (Windfields) (SR6) 2nd
Stephen and Jesse (Churchill) (SR34) 1stMatthew and Liam (Rolph Road) (SR27) 2nd
Swarani and Lamisa (Dewson) (SR35) 1stZamzam and Usama (Dixon Grove) (SR18) 2nd
Tara and Derek (Jack Miner) (SR15) 2ndDashiel and Leo (Chester) (SR20) 1st
Tharani and Kerthaney (Winchester) (SR16) 1stMerve and Peyton (Swansea) (SR10) 2nd
Tristan and Joey (Jack Miner) (SR17) 2ndMike and Heng Cheng (Ogden) (SR31) 1st
Wyeth and Daisy (Palmerston) (SR36) 2ndIain and Gabriel (Palmerston) (SR22) 1st
Zamzam and Usama (Dixon Grove) (SR18) 2ndSwarani and Lamisa (Dewson) (SR35) 1st

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