For Students in Grades 4 to 8

Tuesday, March 9th, 2010

10:00 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.

to be held at:

Bessborough Drive P.S.

211 Bessborough Drive

(located southeast of Bayview and Eglinton)

for more information, go to www.torontoscrabbleclub.com/school

Students will play in teams of two, maximum 6 players per school. Space is limited. Please register as soon as possible. There is a $10 entry fee for each pair. Refreshments will be provided, but students should bring their own lunch. Please complete the following registration form and send it with payment to: V. Bigall at Bessborough Drive P.S., 211 Bessborough Drive, Toronto, ON, M4G 3K2.

Adult Supervisor for the players: ____________________________________

Telephone # ___________________ E-mail ___________________________

School: _____________________________________________________

Team # Player name and grade Player name and grade
Waiting list    

Total Entry Fee Submitted: ______ (Make cheque payable to Bessborough Drive P.S.)

Please note: Space is limited. If you plan to send a team but do not know who your players will be, please contact the organizers so that we can reserve space for your players.